Farmer Cheese (Amish), 340g
Delivery is within the city of Seattle plus 30 miles. Delivery schedule by city:
Monday - Bellevue, Kirkland, Redmond, Issaquah, Sammamish.
Tuesday - Woodinville, Bothell, Shoreline, Lynnwood, Everett
Wednesday -Seattle
Thursday - Renton, Kent, Auburn.
Friday - Tacoma, Federal way.
The order is delivered to the address indicated by you in the evening, after 6 pm.Доставка осуществляется в пределах города Seattle плюс 30 миль. График поставок по городам:
Понедельник - Bellevue, Kirkland, Redmond, Issaquah, Sammamish.
Вторник - Woodinville, Bothell, Shoreline, Lynnwood, Everett
Среда -Seattle
Четверг - Renton, Kent, Auburn.
Пятница - Tacoma, Federal way.
Заявка доставляется по указанному вами адресу в вечернее время, после 6рм.
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